If you have discovered a cemetery on BillionGraves website that is spelled wrong or has an incorrect address, we would love to have you fix it please! 

Here's how:

#1 Log in to BillionGraves.com

#2 Click on Search BillionGraves to find an existing cemetery.

#3 Click Cemetery Search.

#4 Enter the name of the cemetery (as it is currently spelled) or the location. 

#5 Click on the cemetery pin. 

#6 Click on the name of the cemetery. That will open a page about that cemetery

#7 Click the pencil icon on the right side of the Cemetery Information title bar.

#8 Make the needed corrections on the Edit Cemetery Information page.

#9 Click on the blue button labeled SAVE.

Thanks a billion!

Step #2 

Step #3

Step #4

Step #5

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