Thanks for contacting BillionGraves! 

We do apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. The purpose of BillionGraves is to honor those who have passed away by documenting their headstone and its placement.

BillionGraves is a worldwide volunteer project. Many cemeteries around the world are being destroyed, which means that the final resting place of precious family members is gone forever. Our goal is to provide a history to honor the lives of those who have passed away and to aid families and genealogists in their search for their ancestors.

We understand that this can be a tender issue for some family members.  As a result, if a family member will provide the following information we will be happy to restrict or remove access to their deceased family member’s headstone information.

  1. Relationship to the deceased
  2. URL to the record on BillionGraves*
  3. Type of restriction you would like to place on the headstone**

*Due to the large number of records on BillionGraves we require the exact URL to the record(s) in question before we can process your request.
**Restriction type must be identified for each record(s) in order to process your request.
The type of restrictions that we can apply to any headstone record are:

  • Public - headstone is viewable by anyone.
  • Private - headstone can only be seen by registered BillionGraves users.
  • Restricted - headstone can only be seen by family members.
  • Deleted - headstone is removed from access by anyone.

Please keep in mind that we do not have control over how quickly search engines, like Google, will take to remove your record from their indexes. It may take 30-60 days, sometimes longer, before our updates, based on your request, are reflected on search engine results. Please let us know how you would like us to proceed by providing the answers to the 3 questions above, and we are happy to take the steps to ensure your concerns are addressed in a timely manner. 

Please also keep in mind that our staff and volunteers are people too. They do not deserved to be treated in an inhumane or rude fashion. This includes threats, bullying, and swearing. Kindness really does go a long way in getting these types of issues resolved quickly. 

If you choose to treat others with disrespect, you will be asked to resend your request without using harshness or foul language, as we do not tolerate this type of behavior from anyone. If you would like respect, be worthy of respect as well!

If you know the URL of the record and would like to keep it private, restricted or to remove it from the site, Click HERE to create a ticket.