What is an age of death and why is this on a stone?

The age of death listed on a headstone is more common in some areas of the world than dates of birth.  Sometimes this is listed simply as the age of the individual at the time of death.  On older stones it may list the age of death in years, months and days. 

How do I enter in this data? 

We prefer that this data be entered just as it is listed on the stone.  If the dates of birth are empty but an age of death is listed, do not try to figure out the birth date from the data, as sometimes this can be inaccurate. If you insist on adding in a birth date, you can type information in the notes. By stating "according to the age of death, this individual was born in 1850."   If the stone lists the date of birth and death and you enter in this data, our system will automatically fill in the age for you on the life information page. 

There are two methods to add an age to the form: 

Direction 1: To permanently add the age of death to all transcriptions.

Step 1: To add the age, to the transcription currently being worked on and all future transcriptions in this session, choose the "form settings" box under the transcription form. Once chosen, the age box will appear under the marriage date box on the transcription form each time you transcribe an image.  

Step 2: Select the tab button to advance to the next field on the transcription form.

Direction 2: To add the age of death to the current transcription form.

Step 1: To add the age of death to the transcription in the current form only, choose the "add more information" button. Choose age from the list.  It is located under the marriage date box.  Once chosen, in this format, it will appear at the top of the transcription form for the current transcription. 

Step 2: Select the tab button to advance to the next field on the transcription form.