BillionGraves Website:

#1 Log in to BillionGraves.

#2 Click the Settings icon. (BillionGraves Dashboard page, top of left-hand column.)

#3 Scroll to the Account Login section. (Bottom of page).

Update email:

#1 Type a new email address in the Email box.

#2 Click Change Email.

Update password:

#1 Type a new password in the New Password box.

#2 Type the password again in the Confirm Password box.


Don’t see the Settings icon? Click the BillionGraves logo. (Upper left-hand corner.) It's just below the logo.


Step #2

Step #3

To change your email address: After clicking on the gear, scroll all the way to the bottom until you can read the word account. Here is how to change email addresses. 

If you would like to change your password to the account you can either leave the email the same or type in a new email and click save email. Then add in a new password, confirm it, and click change password.

Do you need more help? Click HERE to create a ticket.