When uploading images from Android there is a blue bar on each image that shows the progress of the uploading process. 

  1. The first quarter of progress displays the resizing of an image.
  2. The second quarter of progress displays the creation of an image in our database.
  3.  The last half of progress displays the last half of a file upload.

If the blue bar will not make it past the first quarter of an upload:

  1. This is an issue with the device itself.

If the blue bar will not make it past the second quarter of an upload:

  1. This is an issue with the device, internet, or one of our servers may be down, or our database may also be down. Give it some time. If after a 2 hour period it is still not uploading, please create a bug report and let support know about your findings.

If the blue bar will not make it past the last half of the file upload:

  1. The internet may be down, the device might not be working, or in an extremely rare circumstance, Amazon photo is down.

***Please watch for each of these scenerios on the device you are trying to upload images on.  Before sending in a ticket to support, please try logging out and back in to your device, and get rid of fuzzy or distorted images. If after trying these things you still can't upload, send in a ticket to support with all the steps you have taken on the device.  Please also let our staff know how far the progress bar went before getting stuck.