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2nd Pass Transcribers
Blank Military Headstones
Please don't overuse the red flag!
First and Second Pass Transcriptions- How To's
Transcription Guide- First Pass
Transcription Guide - Second Pass
How Do I Transcribe A Prefix?
How Do I Transcribe A Given Name?
How Do I Transcribe A Family Name?
See all 20 articles
Transcription Questions
How Do I Transcribe Headstone Images?
How can I rate an image while transcribing?
Transcribe Photos Taken Yourself, With the App- Manual Method
Can I Add Records Using A Spreadsheet?
How Do I Delete A Transcription or Image?
See all 20 articles
Can I use the BillionGraves app on my device?
How do I get started taking photos?
Can I use any camera to upload headstone photos?
How do I know where to start taking photos?
How do I find photo requests in my area?
See all 13 articles
How can I add more information to a GPS generated record?
I prefer privacy. How can I get my records off your website?
How do I add a new cemetery using the BillionGraves website?
How do I add a new cemetery using the BillionGraves app?-Android
How do I add a new cemetery on the BillionGraves App?-iPhone
How do I add a cemetery boundary?
How do I correct the name of a cemetery?
See all 10 articles
Service Projects
Plan a Group Cemetery Documentation Event
Tips for Photographing Gravestones Alone or with Your Family
How can I get credit for community service hours?
I've seen your projects on How can I get involved?
Help Translate the BillionGraves Website and App
See all 6 articles
How do I search for a grave?
What are search filters? How can they help?
How do I search for cemeteries?
What do the color of the cemetery icons mean?
How do I zoom a map in or out?
Record or Life Information Page
What is a Life Information Page?
Can I move GPS pins?
How do I edit a record?
Cemetery Page
We have cemeteries nearby that already have been documented on Find A Grave. Why should we duplicate the work on BillionGraves?
How do I edit cemetery information?
Where can I see the photos that have been taken in a particular cemetery?
What are Cemetery Contributors?
What is the nearby cemeteries column?
See all 7 articles
BillionGraves Tree
How do I log in to BillionGraves tree?
Supporting Records
What is a supporting record?
What are Supporting Records? What is the difference between primary and supporting?
How do I add a supporting record?
Are there different types of supporting records?
How do I add headstone photos taken outside of the app?
See all 11 articles
Dashboard- Profile, Registration and more
How do I update my profile?
How do I update my profile picture?
How do I update my contact information?
How do I update my biographical profile?
How do I update my fluent languages?
See all 17 articles
How do I create a BillionGraves account?
Why do I need a BillionGraves account?
How much does it cost to create a BillionGraves account?
Can I transfer my free account to someone else?
What if my account registration fails?
See all 9 articles
BG Plus- Paid Accounts
BG Plus Features
What is BillionGraves Plus?
How do I use Nearby Graves? (One of our BEST BG+ Features)
How do I use Family Plots? (Another Fantastic Feature)
How do I view a BillionGraves Plus feature full screen?
How do I use Global Family?
See all 8 articles
BG Plus Subscription
How do I purchase BillionGraves Plus?
What is the BillionGraves Plus refund policy?
Where is my BillionGraves Plus subscription information?
What’s the difference between BillionGraves and BillionGraves Plus?
How do I update my payment information?
See all 8 articles
How To's
What is BillionGraves?
Estos son excelentes recursos de capacitación de nuestros usuarios de habla hispana.
How do I upload photos from the app to the website?
How does BillionGraves work?
How can I find a headstone in a cemetery photographed by BillionGraves?
How to preserve grave markers
How to take the best grave photos.
See all 6 articles
How do I report a BillionGraves app bug?
Forgot your password?
What if my BillionGraves app photos aren’t uploading?
What if the BillionGraves app crashes?
What devices work with the BillionGraves app?
See all 14 articles
How do I fix a bad transcription?
What if transcription edits fail to save?
In transcription, what if I come across a strange, poor or blurry photo?
Please Do Not TRANSCRIBE languages you are not prepared for! Do not transcribe dates only!
Common Transcription Mistakes-Article by user OBA
See all 6 articles
How do I report a website bug?
What if the BillionGraves website switches languages?
The cemetery pins seem to be in the wrong cemetery? How can this be fixed?
How do I set a language?
How can I fix a record displaying correctly with GPS, but in the wrong cemetery? (Simple- for less than 10 images.)
See all 6 articles